proACTive (ACT Related Resources)
Here you’ll find out more about ACT, ACT related information such as books, inspiring TED talks, Youtube clips, and resources (including those we may use in session)
Psychological flexibility: How love turns pain into purpose | Steven Hayes
Prof. Steve Hayes, the cofounder of ACT shares his personal experience with anxiety and panic attacks in this 20minute TED talk, as part his learning to develop greater psychological flexibility in order to reduce the impact of these on his life.
Susan David: The gift and power of emotional courage
Psychologist Susan David shares how the way we deal with our emotions shapes everything that matters: our actions, careers, relationships, health and happiness. In this deeply moving, humorous and potentially life-changing 17 minute talk, she challenges a culture that prizes positivity over emotional truth and discusses the powerful strategies of emotional agility.
The Struggle Switch – By Dr. Russ Harris
Dr. Russ Harris, Acceptance & Commitment Therapist, explains the struggle switch metaphor as a way to relate to anxiety in a more helpful way, through this entertaining and educational 3 minute clip. This provides a useful strategy for unhooking from unpleasant thoughts.
The Unwelcome Party Guest - an Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) Metaphor
Psychologist Joe Oliver provides a cool little clip which illustrates how an unwanted houseguest to a party can be used as a metaphor for unhelpful and unwanted thoughts. This 4 and a half minute clip provides a useful strategy for ways that we can change the way we relate to this unwanted houseguest in order to reduce the impact he has on us, in order to focus on what really matters to us.
Passengers On A Bus - an Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) Metaphor
Psychologist Joe Oliver provides a cool 5 minute clip illustrating the metaphor of unwanted thoughts and feelings being like unwanted passengers on your bus of life. You are the driver of your bus, but unhelpful thoughts and feelings can tend to bully you to do actions which may not get you what you really want in life, or DO what really matters.
Your ACT Auntie: Combining Art with ACT to teach life skills to help and empower you!
The incredibly talented Louise Gardner illustrates ACT principles, metaphors and concepts to bring ACT ideas to life in an easy to understand way.
The Happiness Trap: Evolution of the Human Mind
Dr Russ Harris explains how our minds have evolved to protect us and what this looks like in our modern day living in this very practical and easy to understand 3 and a half minute clip.
Headstuck! What is Experiential Avoidance?
Do you avoid things that feel really uncomfortable, or make you really worried - even though some part of you might know that it’s important or involves something you care about? This three and a half minute video helps you realise not only why and how ‘normal’ that is, but what you can DO about it.